About Spatial
Vision + spatial
How did vision evolve?
We suspect, but have yet to research directly, that vision itself might have evolved on a core set of patterns within nature, which possibly means that how the world has grown in macro- and micro-senses, and how we perceive the world, are uniquely intertwined. We believe recognition of naturally-occuring patterns played a role in not just human evolution, but in the development of survival skills throughout the animal kingdom. We are excited about formalizing training in the icons to give future generations the ability to manipulate the images and develop a robust vocabulary about them.
A universal visual language
The goal of a visual language is to enhance the connection between the autonomic part of our brains in the visual cortex and the conscious part of our brains in the prefrontal cortex. As children and adults automatically collect visuospatial patterns, in consciously using a universal visual system and associated verbal language, we can amplify one’s own thinking and create a common language for discussion and communication. That the pattern set is derived from nature’s core patterns leverages our evolutionary survival skills for modern living, crossing spoken language barriers across the globe.
It seeks, in equalizing organic and geometric form, to fill out Galileo’s vision “[The] universe … cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it.” Core organic forms are indeed as neat a set as geometry, and should be seen that way from an early age, especially to equalize linear and logarithmic trends.
Our identification of geometric forms, now proven as the “visual language of thought“ we are primed for by Sable-Mayer, elegantly aligns also with natural patterns. The manipulation and creative recombinations and reconfigurations of geometric and organic forms are the basis of imagination, visualization and creativity thanks to spatial reasoning.
Spatial visualization
In his 2009 paper “Spatial Abilities for STEM Domains”, Wai posits that spatial skills are on a par with known skills in verbal and math to make up human intelligence. The outdated factory model of schooling as half verbal and half math needs to make room for spatial forms, and not only geometric forms, but nature’s organic forms of growth.To communicate what one sees and one can imagine in a universal, spoken-language-agnostic, graphical system is the benefit, and will increase spatial literacy.
A language of the eyes seeing how things work
We call the result of this spatial literacy da Vinci vision, and seeing forms like an artist and functions like a scientist are together what enable invention, and by extension bio-inspired design. Recently the VP of digital and interactive experiences at Sesame Workshop likened the patternABC to an augmented reality program that we could teach kids. Seeing the correlation between the natural world and the abstracted icons, would allow kids to move between the two worlds faster and make new connections.
Humans navigate the world through hand gestures, body movement, and pattern recognition. We feel an affinity to environmental scientist Jack Dangermond’s vision of an internal “geospatial nervous system” that all humans could be imbued with. By tapping into these in-born talents, we may be able to solve many scientific, technological, and environmental challenges.
How a visual language works for spatial reasoning
To understand complex forms means parsing and disembedding individual shapes and patterns as parts from the whole object or whole scene. Just imagine a drop of water hitting still water and the many patterns involved. STEM fields like biology and medicine especially need organic form vocabulary as the plants, animals, and humans are not geometrical, nor are stages of life cycles.
In the Classroom
Schools lack spatial reasoning, a problem that must be addressed
We suspect, but have yet to research directly, that vision itself might have evolved on a core set of patterns within nature, which possibly means that how the world has grown in macro- and micro-senses, and how we perceive the world, are uniquely intertwined. We believe recognition of naturally-occuring patterns played a role in not just human evolution, but in the development of survival skills throughout the animal kingdom. We are excited about formalizing training in the icons to give future generations the ability to manipulate the images and develop a robust vocabulary about them.
Starting in preschool
The goal of a visual language is to enhance the connection between the autonomic part of our brains in the visual cortex and the conscious part of our brains in the prefrontal cortex. As children and adults automatically collect visuospatial patterns, in consciously using a universal visual system and associated verbal language, we can amplify one’s own thinking and create a common language for discussion and communication. That the pattern set is derived from nature’s core patterns leverages our evolutionary survival skills for modern living, crossing spoken language barriers across the globe.
It seeks, in equalizing organic and geometric form, to fill out Galileo’s vision “[The] universe … cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it.” Core organic forms are indeed as neat a set as geometry, and should be seen that way from an early age, especially to equalize linear and logarithmic trends.
Our identification of geometric forms, now proven as the “visual language of thought“ we are primed for by Sable-Mayer, elegantly aligns also with natural patterns. The manipulation and creative recombinations and reconfigurations of geometric and organic forms are the basis of imagination, visualization and creativity thanks to spatial reasoning.
In K-12, secondary education, and PhD
In his 2009 paper “Spatial Abilities for STEM Domains”, Wai posits that spatial skills are on a par with known skills in verbal and math to make up human intelligence. The outdated factory model of schooling as half verbal and half math needs to make room for spatial forms, and not only geometric forms, but nature’s organic forms of growth. To communicate what one sees and one can imagine in a universal, spoken-language-agnostic, graphical system is the benefit, and will increase spatial literacy.
AI and Research
In AI and at NASA
We suspect, but have yet to research directly, that vision itself might have evolved on a core set of patterns within nature, which possibly means that how the world has grown in macro- and micro-senses, and how we perceive the world, are uniquely intertwined. We believe recognition of naturally-occuring patterns played a role in not just human evolution, but in the development of survival skills throughout the animal kingdom. We are excited about formalizing training in the icons to give future generations the ability to manipulate the images and develop a robust vocabulary about them.
Our Research and Researchers
The goal of a visual language is to enhance the connection between the autonomic part of our brains in the visual cortex and the conscious part of our brains in the prefrontal cortex. As children and adults automatically collect visuospatial patterns, in consciously using a universal visual system and associated verbal language, we can amplify one’s own thinking and create a common language for discussion and communication. That the pattern set is derived from nature’s core patterns leverages our evolutionary survival skills for modern living, crossing spoken language barriers across the globe.
It seeks, in equalizing organic and geometric form, to fill out Galileo’s vision “[The] universe … cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it.” Core organic forms are indeed as neat a set as geometry, and should be seen that way from an early age, especially to equalize linear and logarithmic trends.
Our identification of geometric forms, now proven as the “visual language of thought“ we are primed for by Sable-Mayer, elegantly aligns also with natural patterns. The manipulation and creative recombinations and reconfigurations of geometric and organic forms are the basis of imagination, visualization and creativity thanks to spatial reasoning.
Next Steps
What does this spark for you as a reader at your organization?
We are working as fast as we can with the funding and personnel available to develop the next steps, including the app funded by the Tools Competition, and the curriculum, both of which were featured at The Collegiate School’s Education Collaborative in August 2024.
To move spatial learning ahead, much as Esri is with mapping and ArcGIS modules, we are seeking partners who can help in an assortment of ways. We believe the patternABC growth patterns in particular lend themselves to geographical visualizations, in mind,on paper, and in 3D apps. Dr. Uttal agrees that patterns are ubiquitous, and Dr. Britto says the patternABC is useful for not just teaching, but testing, and agrees spatial skills need their own learning within SDG 4.6.
Two core issues
We believe two core issues need immediate attention — the lack of public awareness campaign like Reading is Fundamental, and the creation of new core spatial tests for a variety of age milestones as Uttal et al. call for in their recent article on the poor and inconsistent quality of spatial measures. We invite feedback on possible solutions and interest you may have to solve this mutual problem.